

The eagerly anticipated resort from InterContinental® Hotels & Resorts pledges to only supply reef-safe sunscreen to guests from 1 July

There are few destinations on Earth that can call the Great Barrier Reef – one of the seven wonders of the natural world – its home. So today, 8 June on World Ocean Day, Hayman Island by InterContinental is making a pledge to protect its spectacular surroundings.

When Hayman Island by InterContinental opens to the world on 1 July, the resort will exclusively supply its guests with reef-safe sunscreen in an effort to be actively involved in the conservation of the reef and the wider effects of toxic sunscreen on the world’s oceans.

All guests will also be encouraged to join the pledge, with information and guidance being provided through pre-arrival communications, the resort’s website and the guests’ in-room Guest Compendium. Guests will be guided through the products available for use on-island and the wider effects of choosing to use non-reef safe alternatives.


The decision has been informed by a myriad of international scientific research on the long-lasting effects of sunscreen ingredients on the world’s reef ecosystems. Hayman Island by InterContinental will be embracing environmentally-friendly Australian owned We Are Feel Good Inc. products as a biologically-safer sunscreen alternative to offer guests staying at the luxury resort.

We Are Feel Good Inc. products will be the sole products on offer for guests to use and purchase at the resort due to its philosophy of avoiding ingredients that have been scientifically proven to cause harm to our world’s reef ecosystems.


Dr Scott McGregor, Co-Founder and Product Developer at We Are Feel Good Inc. said, “We are proud and delighted to be working with Hayman Island by InterContinental, a brand partner who shares our passion for providing quality products that are backed by science and guided by the importance to fiercely protect against destructive environmental impact, as well as personal health.


“From the outset we designed our sunscreens to protect our skin but also not to harm our environment, and, along with co-founder Jake Paterson, we have been very conscious of the potential harm to reef systems. Progressive Governments around the world are starting to ban certain UV filters, confirmed by research to potentially harm reef systems, from products. We have ensured all our sunscreens are free of such filters in a bid to reduce any environmental impact.”


This pledge announced for Wold Ocean Day joins a plethora of additional initiatives the iconic private island resort is implementing to ensure the resort is on the front foot of sustainability when it opens.


Mark Eletr, General Manager of Hayman Island by InterContinental said, “Studies have shown that every minute, up to one million plastic bottles are being purchased with only 23% of these being recycled. Whilst we understand that people’s individual choices about what they put in our oceans is out of our control, we recognise we can control what occurs in our extraordinary surrounds and can seek to inspire our guests at Hayman Island to do so also. From our ban on single use plastic to our commitment to reef-safe sunscreen, through simple yet strong initiatives we hope to not only protect our sacred local environment, but also educate our visitors and guests on easy sustainable practices.”


Unique glass to sand crusher

The sand to glass crusher is a unique initiative on island to recycle and reuse what would otherwise be waste. The crusher function will crush all glass bottles used to make a silicone ‘sand’ product that will be recycled and used across the island in areas such as the gardens.



There will be no single use plastic across the resort

No plastic water bottles will be used in-room or be for sale on island. Upon check-in, all guests will receive their own reusable water bottle to use for drinking water on the island which will also be theirs to take home. The Hayman Island bottles will also available to buy in the island’s boutique store, The Grove, if more wish to be purchased. There will be multiple still filtered water stations placed conveniently across the resort for guest’s ease of use.


In-Room Thermal Technology Systems installed

The resort is investing in a state-of-the-art fully automated room technology system to ensure thermal efficiency is optimum and maximum energy in-room is conserved. When guests are not in the room, the lights, air conditioning, curtains, blinds and appliances are adjusted to optimise thermal efficiency and reduce use of energy. A motion censored system is then activated the moment guests return to their room with the system automatically activating the lights/aircon/appliances and opening the blinds – welcoming them back to their stunning accommodation. The technology has been carefully designed so the room feels cool and refreshing from the moment they step through the door whilst conserving maximum energy.


Water Reuse & Recycle Irrigation system

Two robust water reuse & recycle irrigation systems are being installed on the island that will be used to irrigate the landscape

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