Tourism takes steps to reopen

The UNWTO Global Tourism Crisis Committee has united the tourism sector to formulate a sector-wide response to the unprecedented challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Early on, the Committee released the first set of global recommendations to support jobs and economies through tourism.
At its fifth meeting, UNWTO changed the emphasis towards restarting tourism. The Committee endorsed UNWTO’s Global Guidelines to Restart Tourism, an action plan focused on the Priorities for Tourism Recovery.
In addition, Greece presented a ‘White Paper on Recommendations for Restarting Tourism’, on behalf of UNWTO’s European COVID-19 Task Force. Furthermore, Spain introduced its ‘Guidelines for Reducing Coronavirus Infection in the Tourism Industry’, which serves as a pilot project for UNWTO.
Additional examples reflected response measures from all world regions, international organizations and the private sector:
Colombia – Managing the Impact of COVID-19
Dubai Airports – COVID-19 Response Measures
Portugal – Clean & Safe Stamp
Republic of Korea – How COVID-19 Was Contained
Seychelles – Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
WTTC – World Travel & Tourism Council
OECD – Tourism Policy Responses to the coronavirus (COVID-19)