Should tourists still be visiting Antarctica?

An article published in Nature on the 13th June 2018 suggested that Antarctica’s ice has been melting three times faster than we thought. Following this, Viva Expeditions addresses the question, should tourists still be visiting Antarctica? Isn’t this contributing to the problem? Viva Expeditions believes the best way to protect Antarctica is to become an Antarctica ambassador, a warrior for the cause.

Rachel Williams, the founder of Viva Expeditions who has even swum in Antarctica’s icy sea waters, says;

‘Here at Viva Expeditions, we are focused on positive action. We believe the best way to protect our environment is to reconnect with it.’

‘People need to care enough to want to protect this pristine environment, and for people to care they need to be aware.  One of the best ways to create awareness is for people to see for themselves the beauty of Antarctica and the challenges it is facing, they can then go home and encourage others.’. 

All 7.5 billion of us have a responsibility towards Antarctica but, thanks to the Antarctic Treaty, no one country can claim to own it. However, the treaty is due for renewal in 2048. There are already signs that countries are starting to jostle for Antarctica’s oil and gas deposits.

By 2048, Antarctica will need a large group of Ambassadors, people who have travelled, learned and witnessed the problems facing Antarctica. Ambassadors who’ll scream from the rooftops before 2048 and will take immediate action to limit his or her own personal carbon emission.

To reduce impacts and grow the number of Antarctica Ambassadors, Viva Expeditions is pleased to be adding vessels that consume less and give more, including the MV Hondius the Greg Mortimer. These ships are equipped with state of the art technology which allows them to conserve fuel, lower emissions and respond at lightning speed to changing conditions to ensure neither the wildlife nor wilderness is impacted.


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