EXPLORE WANAKA was launched on May 1st 2018.

My wife Abby and I were both finishing up our career’s as professional Snowboarders and had just stepped into the very real world of becoming parents with our oldest daughter Lilian gracing our lives .
At this point we realised we wanted to put our roots in and settle down in wanaka full time we always had a really keen interest in adventure tourism and with Wanaka expanding so rapidly the time seemed right to focus our energy into getting it off the ground.
At Explore Wanaka we are run bespoke snow tours offering a truly personable experience with groups are no larger than 6 people you get a down to earth real experience. Our goal is to get people out there and get them stoked and inspired not only on there trip into the mountains but on life in general! Each day is different for us we enjoy the challenge and the variation that comes with this job, Some of our most rewarding days now are spent with Clients, hearing their stories, their back grounds , understanding where they come from and what gets them stoked.
Seeing their excitement when great days come together and knowing that we’ve played apart in that Is probably the pinnacle of this job and the essence of why we do it.
People are right in saying that starting your own business is tough work, its not easy at all! We have had tons of long nights, a lot of new learnings and adapting and challangeing aspects that come with starting a new brand and as hard and frustrating as all this can be its still the best feeling knowing we are doing what we want to do and love in this world – hell we’ve only got one shot at life so were giving it our all.
We want to keep moving forward in the future and growing as a brand, learning more about ourselves and the clients we work with. Ideally if we can raise our kids well run our business to be successful and have a healthy and fulfilled life then that would be about as good as we could ever ask for!
We’re incredibly grateful towards all the people who have supported us in this chapter so far, and as we continue to grow as people and a brand we look forward to all that lies ahead.