

From distillery tours and tastings to museum visits and more, hop on the trail in the nation’s capital.

The Mid-Atlantic region serves as the birthplace of American whiskey and its story is as complex as the distilled rye the area has produced. Whether you want to delve into George Washington’s role in the Whiskey Rebellion or mix it up with the District’s crop of craft distillers, the Whiskey Rebellion Trail in DC blazes the way.

Whiskey Rebellion Trail Passports in DC

One day, one neighborhood passport
When it comes to spirit-making, the Ivy City neighborhood is DC’s distilling hub. Check out DC’s Ivy City One-Day Passport for a quartet of tastings, tours and cocktails, which you can comfortably pack into a day. For $39, you’ll get a tasting flight from Cotton and Reed, a cocktail from New Columbia Distillers, a tour and tasting at One Eight Distilling and a free cocktail from Republic Restoratives.

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The weekender or three-day passport
The Taste of DC Three-Day Passport gives you a taste of history in addition to locally made spirits. Get access to George Washington’s Mount Vernon, where you learn about Washington’s rise from president to one of the largest rye whiskey producers in the late 1790s. In addition, you can explore free-to-visit sites such as Peirce Mill, a former distillery and site maintained by the National Park Service, and the Smithsonian National Museum of American History, where you can see the same sword and scabbard George Washington wore in 1794 when he led 13,000 troops to Western Pennsylvania to quell the rebellion. When it comes time to sampling, you’ll get access to everything in Ivy City from above, as well as a flight from Don Ciccio & Figli.

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The local-friendly, three-month-long passport
If you live in the DC area or are visiting for an extended period of time, the All Inclusive DC & Beyond: 90-Day Passport is your ticket to soaking up distilled spirits and history in DC and nearby Baltimore. For $99, you can tip your glass to the end of the Whiskey Rebellion and the beginning of a new adventure with access to Ivy City’s five distilleries, and five noteworthy distilleries in Baltimore. The pass also comes with free access to George Washington’s Mount Vernon.

Discover more about the Mid-Atlantic region’s Whiskey Rebellion Trail, from Pittsburgh and Philadelphia to Washington, DC and Baltimore.

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